February 2020 - Project Introduction
Curator Julian Porter introduced project members to the museum and explained the core collections displayed within each gallery.
This was an opportunity for the participants to meet each other, familiarise the layout of the museum building and gain an understanding of the theme of each of the three main galleries.

Curator Julian Porter with participants in the Sargent Gallery
Whilst exploring the galleries there was the chance to talk about experiences past and present of interacting with displays in museum settings. The balance between conservation and accessibility of the artefacts was discussed, both necessary requirements of museum custodians, but often conflicting ones. The members of the group have varying degrees of sight loss. Some resulting from life long conditions, and others having developed disorders such as macular degeneration. A repeated frustration voiced was interpretation and object labels inside of glass display cabinets. These, no matter the font size and colour formats proved difficult to read because of light reflections on the cabinet glass from the gallery environment.
One intervention tried was the use of pen torches. Participants were offered the torches to carry with them through the galleries and invited to explore the displays using the torchlight. Response was positive. Light shone into the case illuminated objects to a greater extent, allowing them to be appreciated and the small torches enabled individuals to navigate the cases at their discretion.

LED torch being used to illuminate exhibits within display cases
The torches are a low cost equipment item and being rechargeable have little on going maintenance cost. Using LED technology, the torch has a low risk light contamination impact on the museum objects and the lightweight plastic body is unlikely to cause damage to display cases if accidentally dropped. It is planned to make the torches available at the museum reception for future visitors who may which to use them.